Home Registry Explorer

Registry Explorer


Registry Explorer allows Windows registry hives to be interrogated and parsed for a wide variety of forensic artifacts. The tool comes in two versions, a GUI and a commandline interface. Eric Zimmerman has created several plugins that allow automated parsing for certain forensic objects.

Tool NameVersionMITRE ATT&CK TacticMITRE ATT&CK Technique
Registry Explorer (RECmd)
Registry Explorer (GUI)
Defense Evasion
Credential Access


Loading a Hosts Registry via Registry Explorer

  1. Run RegistryExplorer.exe as an Administrator if interrogating a live host
  2. Hive Selection
    • Live Host: Navigate to menu option File and Live System and then select the desired registry hive
    • Registry Dump: Navigate to menu option Load Hive and navigate to the desired registry hive via Explorer.

Hive details can be exported to several formats via the menu option File and Export

Parsing the AmCache.hve for Evidence of Execution

Interesting Keys

  • Root\
    • InventoryDeviceContainer: OS devices such as bluetooth, printers, etc. Has links to DevicePnps
    • InventoryDevicePnP: Plug and Play (PnP) devices such as bluetooth, USB, etc. More verbose details than those contained in DeviceContainers
    • InventoryDriverBinary: System Drivers
    • InventoryDriverPackage: Package information that links to both DeviceContainers and DevicePnPs
    • InventoryApplicationShortcut: .LNK files

Registry Explorer - AmCache.hve

Parsing the BAM/DAM for Evidence of Execution

  • Execution Time is a reference to the last execution time.

Registry Explorer - BAM/DAM

Parsing the LastVisitedMRU for Evidence of Execution

Interesting Fields

  • Executable: Records the parent application
  • Absolute Path: Records the file opened
  • Opened On: Date-time-group of last access time

Registry Explorer - LastVisitedMRU

Parsing the ShimCache (AppCompatCache) for Evidence of Execution

Interesting Fields

  • Program Name: Records the full executable filepath
  • Modified Time: Date-time-group of last access time

Registry Explorer - ShimCache

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