Home PowerShell-Empire



PowerShell-Empire is a post-exploitation framework that is built upon a large collection of PowerShell modules and scripts. It also contains various scripts written in C# and Python that can be used against a target OS. The PowerShell-Empire framework currently has hundreds of modules that can aid in almost all penetration testing tactics and techniques.

PowerShell-Empire have also developed a front-end GUI called Starkiller for the framework which makes configuration and activities that little bit easier to manage, especially when dealing with multiple targets. However, there is still the CLI available, with the framework running a server/client model.

Kali Linux comes with PowerShell-Empire and Starkiller pre-installed. 1

Starting PowerShell-Empire with Starkiller on Kali Linux

  1. Start the PowerShell-Empire Server and Client in separate terminal windows. Ensure that the server is operational prior to starting the client to ensure that they can communicate.

     sudo powershell-empire server
     sudo powershell-empire client
  2. Create a new user on the PowerShell-Empire Client. Once the new user has been created, the PowerShell-Empire Client terminal can be closed if using the Starkiller GUI, otherwise the client is the interface to be used for configuring and interacting with agents.

     (Empire) > admin
     (Empire) > create_user %USERNAME% %PASSWORD%
  3. Open Starkiller and logon using the credentials set in the previous section. The URL by default is set to https://localhost:1337.

Adding a Listener through Starkiller

  1. Navigate to the Listener window
  2. Press the create button on the top right to enter the New Listener prompt and select the type of listener using the drop-down menu.
  3. For this example, the HTTP Listener is selected. Configure the Listener as below:

     Name: darkcybeHttp
     Port: 1335
  4. Press submit to initiate the HTTP Listener

Additional configuration can be set, such as:

  • KillDate: An expiration date that sets agent autocleanup
  • DefaultProfile: Sets the URL GET request parameters to blend into normal traffic
  • UserAgent: Set the UA string, useful to masquerade traffic
  • ServerVersion: Set to a common Server Header to masquerade traffic

Adding a Stager through Starkiller

  1. Navigate to the Stager window
  2. Press the create button on the top right to enter the New Stager prompt and select the type of stager using the drop-down menu.
  3. For this example, the windows/reverseshell is selected. Configure the Stager as below:

     Listener: darkcybeHttp
  4. Press submit to create the stager. The stager can then be downloaded and transferred to the target host.

Payloads can be created for Windows, MacOs, and Linux.

Interacting with Agents through Starkiller

  1. When a target executes the stager, the agent will connect to the Listener and be displayed on the Agents window, as per the image below:

    PowerShell Empire - Agents

  2. Selecting the agent will open an agent specific window containing a number of different options:

    • Interact: Allows for shell commands and PowerShell-Empire Modules to be executed on the agent.
    • File Browser: Directory traversal including file upload and download functionality.
    • Tasks: A history of actions carried out on the host
    • View: Agent specific configuration

PowerShell-Empire Modules

Discovery Modules

When executing the Bloodhound modules, the Sharphound archive defaults to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\ on the target agent. The download directory on the attacking Kali host is /var/lib/powershell-empire/server/downloads/%AGENT%/.

Find a Domain Controllerpowershell/situational_awareness/network/powerview/get_domain_controller 
Identify Antiviruspowershell/situational_awareness/host/antivirusproduct 
Bloodhound AD Scanningpowershell/situational_awareness/network/bloodhound3 

Credential Access Modules

Using the Mimkatz LogonPasswords modules automatically adds collected credentials to the credentials window within PowerShell-Empire.

Mimkatz Password Dumppowershell/credentials/mimikatz/logonpasswords 
Browser Credential Dumppowershell/collection/FoxDump
Responder/Inveigh LLMNR Abusepowershell/collection/inveigh 

Lateral Movement Modules


Privilege Escalation Modules

Get SYSTEM Privilegespowershell/privesc/getsystem 
Search for Privesc Vulnerabilitiespowershell/privesc/sherlock


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